Green Arrow by Mike Grell
Green Arrow by Mike Grell

In 1987, Mike Grell wrote and drew the new prestige format mini-series Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters that reshaped the hero once again, this time as an urban hunter. One of those tales was drawn by Mike Grell. Part Five explored two Robin Hood themed stories from the 1970s. Now Green Arrow was an argumentative social crusader - a bit more like Robin Hood.

Green Arrow by Mike Grell Green Arrow by Mike Grell

He got a new costume, grew a beard, and developed a new attitude. However, in 1969, Green Arrow was reshaped.

Green Arrow by Mike Grell

Wearing a Robin Hood costume did invite more stories where he met Robin Hood through time travel or people impersonating the outlaw. The Green Arrow that we met in Part One, Part Two, Part Three and Part Four was very much your standard superhero in the same mold as Batman, except that he wore a Robin Hood costume.

Green Arrow by Mike Grell