The next “Author’s Cut” edition will be BEYOND THE VEIL (2013), second of the three “Beyond novels” in the Sacred Band of Stepsons series. The other “Author’s Cut” volumes that have been released as ebooks and as trade paperbacks are TEMPUS WITH HIS RIGHT-SIDE COMPANION NIKO (2011) and THE FISH THE FIGHTERS AND THE SONG-GIRL (2012). It the first novel in the “Author’s Cut” group of reissues: each “Author’s Cut” volume is compeltely revised and expanded by the author(s) and contain new material never before available. This is the only time this book will be offered as a free Kindle download. JANET MORRIS: There is an Amazon giveaway (May 15-17) of the author’s cut reissue of BEYOND SANCTUARY as a Kindle book. Janet, let’s start by talking about the Kindle promotion going on right now. Her 1983 book I, THE SUN, a detailed biographical novel about the Hittite King Suppiluliuma I, was praised for its historical accuracy. Most of her fiction work has been in the fantasy and science fiction genres, although she has also written historical and other novels. She has contributed short fiction to the shared universe fantasy series “Thieves World” and then created, orchestrated, and edited the fantasy series “Heroes in Hell,” writing stories for the series. Janet is probably best known for her Silistra series. VENTRELLA: Today, I am pleased to be interviewing Hugo-nominated author Janet Morris.

25 Hard Truths About Writing and Publishing.Set in Tyse, a town so mean and magic-ridden as to make Sanctuary seem like a singles bar, BEYOND THE VEIL features Tempus, Thieves' World most powerful and misunderstood character, and introduces Kama, his warrior daughter, as well as the deservedly infamous shock troops, the 3rd 5(4). Here is the third novel in Janet Morris' Sacred Band series. Certainly a series worthy of, or even too good for, film adaption5(25). And Beyond the Veil (Sacred Band of Stepsons: Beyond Trilogy, Author's Cut Editions Book 2) by Janet Morris is another powerful fantasy written by an author with command over her world and the character who populate it. Morris, Beyond the Veil In the thrilling sequel to Beyond 5(). Morris - Beyond the Veil, Beyond the Veil In the thrilling sequel to Beyond Sanctuary Tempus leads his Stepsons on a deadly journey into the heart of evil to combat an unholy alliance of magic led by Roxane and her tame demons The battle wi. > CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD EBOOK > CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD EBOOK <<<<

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