1776 david mccullough sparknotes
1776 david mccullough sparknotes

1776 david mccullough sparknotes

As much as the book mainly revolves around George Washington, there is also considerable attention given to “King George III, General Howe, Henry Knox, and Nathanael Greene, and the main key revolutionary conflicts portrayed in the book include the Battle of Dorchester Heights, the Battle of Long Island, and the Battle of Trenton” (McCullough 1). However, the situation on the ground worsened until the war was unavoidable. as the British and the American politicians made drastic efforts to reach a compromise.

1776 david mccullough sparknotes

The period was one of the turbulent and confusing times in the history of the U.S. This 1776 book review essay shall analyze the story by McCullough. 1776, which adds a new scholarship and a fresh perspective to events that took place at the start of the American Revolution, is a historical book written by David McCullough that is considered a companion to his earlier biography of John Adams.

1776 david mccullough sparknotes